Which leaf spring 70-011 or 70-097

Handy Person from Middletown, DE
For leaf spring 70-097, the inside length is (app) 3 1/16". I need to purchase springs for 16 window screens. There are no have pull tabs on my screens. For my screens, the distance between the insert squares is 3 5/32", and the insert square dimensions are 5/32" and 3/16", close to those indicated on the 70-097 specifications. Would 70-097 be the best spring to order?.

thank you.
6 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
I just wanted to make sure I have your measurements clear. Is this what your spring installation holes look like?
Photo of the user's screen insert spring installation holes.
Handy Person from Middletown, DE
Yes Mike, that is correct. thank you, Nancy
Paul from SWISCO
I believe the 70-097 should work for you.
Quick Learner from Trumbull, CT
I have a similar question to the above. The curve of my existing clip looks more like 70-011 but the insert piece curves in more like 70-097. The spread is 3'' to the beginning of each hole. The holes are 3/16'' wide and the width of the curved inset at each end is 2/16''. Which clip is better for me?

Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Hey thanks for posting. If your spring has curved ends like our 70-097, then I think there's a good chance it was curved the same way, as well, and that it has since just been bent out of shape. I think it might be a good place to start, though there is a chance they both could work.

If you're making new screens, you could also consider our 70-030, which just slips into the corner. No drilling is necessary.
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