Will 40-039 match a Kwikset lock?

Home Owner from Wichita, KS
10 to 15 years ago, I purchased a storm door deadbolt which looked similar, except that the lock cylinder matched a kwikset lock. (The hardware store also had other models matching major and common locks as well). The advantage being that it could be tumbled to match an existing lock. The lock is now worn and in need of replacement. Do you sell a keikset compatable deadbolt style storm door lock?
4 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
The 40-039 will not match the Kwikset key way, I'm afraid. I would like to see the storm door lock set you have now. Maybe we can suggest another type of lock once we see pictures of your current hardware. Let me know!
Home Owner from Wichita KS
I'm away from home just now, so I can't send a pic. Not much to see though. Only one finish was available at that time - bright brass. Looks just like the 40-039 except instead of using a 721 type key, it has a cylinder to accept a kwikset key (slightly larger diameter, different shape slot).
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
I'm afraid we have nothing like that at this time. I would be happy to research something else, but we will need pictures in order to make sure we're looking for the correct hardware.
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