ok, here goes. I recently received replacement hardware for a couple of drawers as the plastic guides wore out on the old ones. So I put all the new parts on in exactly the place the old ones were. [Used the old screw holes] So now I cannot get the draw back on the track. I have struggled with this and yet I know nothing could be this hard. What is the secret to putting my drawers back?
Please note the pic I am sending is the original one I sent when ordering the replacement.
HELP!!! My wife wants the drawers back in asap!!!
Hey Jack, sorry to hear you're having difficulty with your replacement project. The first thing I can suggest is to see if the guide slides on the track without it being attached to the drawer. Also, make sure your track isn't damaged or bent in any way.
I had to make sure that the sides of the drawer were high enough to clear the slide pads at the sides. If I didn't then the sides would catch