Window Balance

I am trying to find a replacement for a window balance any help would be appreciated.
The balance has the markings: 26 4 GW CMC 10
The length of the metal portion is 27" in length, 5/8" across the opening of the U and the height of the U wall is 9/16". If you need any additional details please let me know.
Thank you,

Hey Chris. I am confident we can replace this channel balance, but I'd like to verify one extra detail. Can you send good photos of the 'guts' or underbelly of the metal channel? Sometimes balances like this have a special configuration I want to rule out, just to be safe. Once we see the underside we should be able to proceed. Many thanks.

Thanks for getting back to me, Chris. This is likely either an S380-27 or S385-27 Channel Balance. The only difference between these two balances is the 'depth' of the bottom nylon shoe, or the heel-to-toe measurement. See below. Measure your old balance's shoe to see which matches best. In either case, for a stamp option choose 2640.