Hi SWISCO! Topic is block and tackle window channel balances. I have removed the two balances from a single hung non-tilt window, as the window was not operating properly. One balance has an inked marking of: 32-9 IX CMC 11. The other balance is inked with: 32-9 EX CMC 4. From the CMC, I believe both balances were manufactured by Caldwell Manufacturing Co. I have two questions.
1) Though the manufacturer markings (CMC), length markings (32), and the window weight markings (9) are the same, the remaining markings (EX vs IX, and 4 vs 11) are different. Are these channel balances the same, or should both balances bear the exact same markings? If they should both be exactly the same, how do I determine which is the correct one and match it?
2) The end guides on both balances are different. One set of two guides has "wings" on both ends. The other does not. Should all guides be the same style? If yes, how do I determine/get the right set of wings? And by the way, your DIY videos on YouTube have been very well done, and helped me a lot in trying to understand these mechanisms. Thanks