Window Lift Cracked

Home Owner from New Orleans, Louisiana
The middle of the plastic lift at the bottom of my double hung windows is cracked. The crack is about 1/3 of the length of the lift itself, and runs along with the length of the lift, so it's about 8" long. It's the piece that's attached to the frame and at the base of the window.

The problem this creates is that it's impossible to open the window without using both hands on either side of the lift. It were operable, it would be easy to open with one hand.

Windows are Window World double hung aluminum windows.

Short of just replacing the entire sash, any recommendations for a repair here? Image uploaded here with red box around the problem area.
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3 Replies
Casey from SWISCO


Unfortunately, we do not carry a replacement for the glazing sash lift shown in your photo. Your best bet would be to contact the window manufacturer directly to discuss your replacement options. 

I'm sorry that we won't be able to assist with this repair but please let us know if you have any other hardware questions. Thanks for posting.

Home Owner from New Orleans, Louisiana
Thanks. Just the part name helps here.
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