I just moved into a new house, and many of the window locks are broken. Unfortunately, I have no idea what kind of windows these are. I need at least 11 replacement locks, and possibly more. Ideally the replacements would be more durable than the originals, which snap off at the least provocation.
Please have a look at the attached photos, and let me know what you think. The lock is 2.5" long. It's harder to measure its width because the measurement varies depending on where you choose to put the tape measure, so I won't include a measurement for that. It is 7/8" tall. The part you push with your thumb to lock the window is 2" long.
It's 2" or 2 1/8" from one screw hole to the other.
The part that the lock locks into is 2.5" long and 1/4-3/8" wide.
Karyn W