Window Operator
Quick Learner from Charlotte, NC
May 25, 2015 12:57 pm
This operator is from a church window in Charlotte, NC. The church was built around 1965. I've included photos of the part from various angles and included any markings or logos that I could find. I've included the logo from the end of the handle which may help identify the manufacturer. I'm hoping you can suggest a suitable replacement. Thanks!
5 Replies
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
May 27, 2015 2:20 pm
Take a look at our 39-054 operator. That might be the one to fit your window.
Quick Learner from Charlotte, NC
May 27, 2015 3:28 pm
Hi Dave - Thanks. I just want to confirm that I should be getting a right hand operator. The handle is on the left side. I'm not sure what defines the operator as left or right handed. Thanks again!
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
May 28, 2015 10:11 am
Thanks for posting. "Left" and "Right" handed operators are actually defined differently from manufacturer to manufacturer. Some companies define it by what side the operator sits on, others define it by what side the handle sits on, while others may define it by the direction in which the window opens. There really is no industry standard.
The best way for you to determine what operator you need is to compare your hardware to the pictures we have on our site. Does the arm face the same direction? What side are the gears on? What side has the bore? Details like that. Based on your pictures, I think our 39-054 appears have all those details in the same locations. Carefully look over our hardware and let me know if you agree.
The best way for you to determine what operator you need is to compare your hardware to the pictures we have on our site. Does the arm face the same direction? What side are the gears on? What side has the bore? Details like that. Based on your pictures, I think our 39-054 appears have all those details in the same locations. Carefully look over our hardware and let me know if you agree.
Quick Learner from Charlotte, NC
May 28, 2015 3:07 pm
Hi Dave - The pictures match my operator. I just wanted to make sure. Based on your explanation, now I see why I was confused. I'll order the right handed operators. Thanks again for your help.
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