Please advise the availability of the pivot bar described hereunder.
Thank you.
Hello. I'm sending you a picture of a small bar that is fastened to the bottom of a single-hung, tilt-to-clean window. It has snapped in two slightly before where the nylon base is flush with the jamb. It is about 2" long from the jamb insert to the end fastened to the bottom of the window sash. The bar is @ 3/8" wide on the exposed side but 1/4" wide where it inserts slightly into the bottom of the sash. It appears to have a round-end flange where it connects with the nylon insert in the jamb. The windows are Donat Flamand product#47103. I don't know if the bar I need is separate or is part of the "swivel" jamb insert. Please advise availability. Thank you.