Window Sash Balancer

Quick Learner from Burbank Ca.

I need 2 replacement window sash balancers for my small Non-Tilt bathroom window. Attached are the images of the existing damaged balancer...

It seems to be 14 Inches long and with a 1/2 inch track. The top looks to be a "19-005" but I am unsure of the bottom & Series..

Please get back to me so I may place an order for the replacement 2 units.

Regard Pierre
User submitted photos of a window balance.
6 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Good morning, Pierre! These pictures are great. I think you're looking at a Series 385 here, though I'd like you to confirm that the length of the metal channel is 14". For a stamp that reads 14-2, I would think the metal channel length would actually be 15". Double check and let me know!
Quick Learner from Burbank Ca.
Hello there.
Thank you for the fast response,...
Your experience is correct.
The metal track is in fact 15" in length,.. !!!

I am in need of 2 balancers..
Please get back to me so I may place my order.

Regards Pierre..
Paul from SWISCO
Great. In that case, our S385-15 looks like a good match. Let me know what you think.
Quick Learner from Burbank Ca
What weight setting do I use?
It is a small vinyl type bathroom window 18 x 22 ish??
"1410" or "1420"
Thanks Pierre
Paul from SWISCO
Considering your stamp is 14-2, I'd go with 1420. You might want to weigh your window sash to make sure that it meets the rating shown for that option, though, just in case.
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