Window deglazer tools

Home Owner from Kansas
May 8, 2020 11:31 am
Back when I was younger i had a deglazer tool that you could fit into a drill and it would "easily" remove hard glazing material. It was like a router bit but it would only take out the glaze and not the wood. Using a heat gun I seem to crack as many windows as I remove the old glaze from. Your company seems to have the most complete set of deglazing tools but I can find nothing that works with old style hard glazing materials. Can you help? Thanks in advance.
1 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
May 12, 2020 10:18 am

To tell you a story. I actually laughed at the inventor the 75-052 glazing tool when he first brought it into our shop to demonstrate how it worked. I believed the best way to de-glaze was with heat and a utility knife. I was wrong. Now I will not do a glass repair with out it. 

What I do in some situations is to use WD-40 spray on the wheel. It seems to make the job go quicker. However you must clean off the lubricant off the sash to do the repair. The lubricant will stop the sealant from sticking. You should also wear gloves and safety glasses.

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