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Window retractor parts

Quick Learner from Dallas, TX
Pic 1: Slide bolt from bottom
Pic 2: Slide bolt from top
Pic 3: Mounting location for retraction coils showing jamb configuration
Pic 4: Coil assembly. Top spring is marked "CL", bottom (or inner spring) is marked "C". Tab on hinge assembly, top right where it touches spring, has a "13" stamped on it. Sorry about distortion - original pic did not look that way, something in attaching process did this. Can submit more pics if needed. Main concerns are the pivot shoes and the slide bolts. Once identified, I can submit a purchase request with numbers of each required.
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10 Replies
Casey from SWISCO


Take a look and compare the 15-175 pivot shoe, which uses the S152 coil springs, to your assembly. You may want to weigh your window sash and divide the weight by the number of springs used to support the sash to choose the corresponding strength option for your replacements. 

As for your tilt latch, I would recommend removing an undamaged version from one of your windows to compare to the specifications listed on the 26-243 and 26-244 product pages. Thank you!

Quick Learner from Dallas, TX
Thank you Casey - I'll get back to ya'll on it.
Quick Learner from Dallas, TX
The tilt latches that I received are a 1/4" short and considerably thicker. I suppose I could modify the window frame to accommodate the depth, but the length will not work. Pics attached, cream-colored ones are the old ones. So, where do we go from here? Send back and find something more appropriate? Need the procedure for that and I suppose I could send one of the old ones for you all to match - it's not like it's of any value in the window. Thanks
3 user uploaded images
Casey from SWISCO

We'd be happy to research this for you to determine if a better match is available but we'll need you to write out the exact dimensions of your latch for comparison. Thank you. 

Quick Learner from Dallas, TX
Okay, looks like it might be the slim top tilt latch, 26-391, but I did not see any dimensions posted.

Actual dimensions of my old one are: top plate is 2 15/16" long by 3/4" wide; length of the spline or ridge on bottom from tip of the curve to end of latch is 2 13/16"; overall thickness is 5/16".

The ones we received are: top plate is 2 11/16" long by 11/16" wide; length of spline on bottom from tip of curve to end of latch is 2 5/8"; overall thickness is just a hair over 3/8".
Casey from SWISCO

It sounds like you're on the right track. I'll include the dimensions from the 26-391 product page to help you confirm that the dimensions match yours.

detail of 26-391
detail of 26-391

Quick Learner from Dallas, TX
Thanks Casey, I think that is it. Now, can I return the others and get these instead? What is the procedure for doing that? I have made no attempt to install them or otherwise tampered with them. I do not need to return the two pivot shoes - those worked fine.
Casey from SWISCO

Sure, you can find our full return policy here. You will be refunded for the original latches once we receive them and you can place a new order for the 26-390 and 26-391 at any time. 

Quick Learner from Dallas, TX
Thank you.
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