Window roller, PHP-3 Window Series 240

Home Owner from torrance, ca
I have a Phillips Products - PHP-3 Window Series 240 Horizontal Slider.
This appears to look like the same part i'm looking for. I need (2) of them.
the holes to screw in appear very close, but i'm not sure if it is exactly what i'm looking for. (the measurements)

the length of 1 11/32 between the holes appear close, however, i'm thinking mine is more like 1 1/8, but hard to tell the difference. Can you assist me with finding the appropriate replacements?
User submitted picture of sliding window roller PHP 3 WINDOW SERIES 240 horizontal slider.
4 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Thank you for your patience in this matter. Please take a look at our 87-181 Tandem Roller Assembly. Do you think this may work as a substitute?
Home Owner from Torrance
thanks. i will buy what you have recommended. I hope it fits.
Paul from SWISCO
I'm glad I could help. Just make sure to match up the dimensions!
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