Window screen corner

Home Owner from Lima, Ohio

My aluminum framed screen has plastic corner inserts that fit entirely inside the aluminum frame. They are L-shaped, 1.5" long on each leg, 0.5" wide and 0.25" thick. The only marking on them is the number embossed 202. I cannot find these, would you have any? It came off of a manufactured home/house trailer and the screens are from the porch/deck that was added on. 

 Thank you.


6 Replies
Emily from SWISCO

Hi, Paul.

We'd be happy to help, but we'll need to see an undamaged screen corner removed from your window to compare to our inventory. Could you also tell us the width and thickness of your screen frame?

Thank you! 

Home Owner from Lima, Ohio
Here are some pix of the broken part. I am not going to be able to measure the frame as I have managed to put it back in place but the broken piece fits snugly inside the frame with a slight bit of friction as the piece holds the frame together from the inside being as it is completely enclosed inside the frame legs.
4 user uploaded images
Emily from SWISCO

I'm afraid we don't have an exact match for your screen corner, but you can view our corners for 1/4" screen frames here. These are all we have to offer for this size. Look these items over and compare your dimensions to ours to see if any of them can work for what you need. 

Home Owner from Lima, Ohio
Emily, thx for your reply but there is no attachment showing your corners that are available.
Emily from SWISCO

Were you not able to click the link to our corner keys for 1/4" screen frames? You can view them here. You'll just need to click on the word 'here' that is highlighted and it will link you to our section for 1/4" corner keys. 

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