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Window tilt latch

Professional from Siena College Dorm room
I can't find this part. I believe the windows are Jen Weld but not positive. CAn you please advise.
Thank you
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4 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Hey, Dan, thanks for contacting us. Is this tilt latch surface mounted? It's hard to tell, I'm not sure how much has broken off from the housing. Is there any way I can see an undamaged version of this part, perhaps from the opposite side of the window?

Could you also confirm your dimensions? I cannot make them out based on just a tape measurer held next to the part. I specifically need to know its width and hole spacing (measured from the center of each installation hole). Thanks!
Professional from NY
Hole dimensions is 3/4" center to center.
It is 2 5/8" long and 3/4" wide. Thickness is 5/16".
It does recess into the sash.
The part is basically just cracked from over tightening the screw.
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Thank you. The closest match we have is our 26-344. I cannot guarantee that this will work, but look it over and tell me what you think.
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