Yellow tip sash balance

Professional from Oceanside CA
My customer needs a 34" long, 3/8 diameter sash balance for a tilt window. I saw yours but it only comes with a green or white tip apparently. Do you have one that can hold a window 25-30 pounds (yellow tip)? What would the cost be? What is your lead time?

Thank you,
2 Replies
Casey from SWISCO
Good morning, Laurel! We have just added the yellow-tip option online for the S900-34. This tip can carry a window sash weight range of 24 through, and including, 34 pounds.

Please keep in mind that the weight range information is based on 2 balances per sash. Balances are designed assuming friction in the jamb weather-strip will carry a portion of the sash weight. Suggested sash weights are approximate.
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