benchmark door hardware

Handy Person
Does it matter which piece goes on the top or bottom of the door and are they the same piece for both?? We have the benchmark metal doors in our home now and they keep having guide problems. is there a better solution to fixing these types of doors and keeping them on track besides replacing them. Any input is appreciated.
4 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
There are two types of pins that Benchmark uses. The 21-002 threaded pin is used on the bottom corner to raise and lower the door. The 21-044 pin is used for the top pivot pin and the top and bottom guide pins. If you are having problems, first check that the track is smooth and is free from any ruts are cuts where the guide pin travels. If the track is not smooth, try smoothing it out with a file or sand paper and then use the 75-077 track lubricant. Second, check that nylon caps on the guide pins are still intact and are not worn out. Third, check that your adjusting pin, 21-002, is at the proper setting.
Home Owner from willoughby, ohio
How do you remove the bottom (21-002) pin and install a replacement pin?
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
To remove bottom pivot on bi-fold door, you first unlatch the top and bottom guide pins and carefully unlatch the top spring loaded pin. The door will fall out and then you lift the bottom of the door out of track. You can then remove the pivot pin by unscrewing it out of the door housing.
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