bifold door pin

Home Owner from Long Valley NJ

Good morning, We own a small apt building & all of the units have your metal bi-fold doors. They are GR8. However we have one set that just needs some love and parts. Please see the 4 pictures and advise and guide me. I do not believe I need the rods, however the replacement material is not so expensive. I will purchase whatever you tell me to. I believe I just need a top pivot plastic part and the same for the bottom. Can you help me ID this material? They could be from the early 1970's.  These are located in Nectong NJ. I live in Long Valley NJ. Thank you Michael 

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4 Replies
Emily from SWISCO

Hi there Michael.

It sounds like you may be confusing us with the manufacturer of the bi-fold door. We don't make or sell doors of any kind but we may still be able to help with this. Can you remove an undamaged pin assembly and show us a photo of it removed? We will also need to know the diameter of the pin shaft and the diameter of the nylon cap, where it fits into the track. 

Home Owner from Long Valley NJ

Emily, Please see the 3 new pic with measurements. I really just need the top and bottom plastic parts. Please advise. Mike  Thanks

3 user uploaded images
Paul from SWISCO

It looks like you are showing the old-style Slimfold bi-fold door parts. Your nylon cap is no longer made by Slimfold to accept a 5/16" pin, unfortunately. For the guide pins and the top pivot pin, they now use the 21-007 and 21-001 for the bottom adjusting pin. The 21-154 rod clamp is only used for the bottom pivot pin. It is not necessary for the spring-loaded guide pins, the 21-007. See our related media guides for more help.

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