all my doors are steel. there are NO labels on any doors. i assume they were purchased at lowes or HD, as there aren't many options where i live. i don't believe the 58-189 would fit. Any thoughts?
also, i purchased a sweep (58-176) that i thought might work, but must return it, as it wasn't close.
bottom door sweep
Handy Person from Fort Payne, AL
Jun 28, 2015 12:03 pm
4 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Jul 2, 2015 10:14 am
Thanks for contacting us. I'm not sure if this is made anymore. I'm surprised the 58-176 didn't work, actually. Can you go into more detail? It should just wrap around the bottom of the door.
Handy Person from Fort Payne, AL
Jul 3, 2015 10:17 am
reference number is D55535
this sweep does not wrap around the door. the Z shaped extrusions fit INSIDE the steel layers.
this sweep does not wrap around the door. the Z shaped extrusions fit INSIDE the steel layers.
Paul from SWISCO
Jul 6, 2015 2:47 pm
Yes, I can see that your sweep has inserts that go inside the door. These can be difficult to replace since many manufacturers use all kinds of different inserts with varying spacing and sizes. This is why our 58-176 is usually a good match, since it just wraps around the whole door and installs with screws. When you say that the 58-176 does not wrap around the door, was it because it was too small or too big? How thick is your door?
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