I keep finding this bracket/back plate for drawers, but the width of the actual opening for the drawer slide is only 7/8" wide. I actually need one that is 1/14"-1 1/2" wide (it is hard to measure exactly as it is broken. Is this one bigger than the 7/8"? There are no dimensions listed that give this information.
broken back plate with socket opening of 1/2" by 1/1/4"
Home Owner from Arkansas
Mar 19, 2017 1:53 pm
2 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Mar 27, 2017 9:15 am
I'm afraid we don't have any rear drawer socket with an opening that big. Could you show us a picture of the track? I want to see if its feasible to perhaps replace the track and socket together to a size that is somewhat more standard.
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