can't find channel balance Series 385 option

Home Owner

I have a 15 inch channel balance which needs to be replaced (stamped 14 5). I measured the shoe and it is a 15-004, which corresponds to your series 385 balance based on my balance top. When I looked at your options for the series 385 however, I cannot find the 1450 option. Can you suggest which balance I should use?

I noticed that your series 380 has a 14 5 option, but the shoe is 15-005. Would this work for my situation?

4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! This is an interesting question. We always recommend that customers stick with the hardware that was installed originally; if your old hardware matches our Series 385 channel balances, then you should go with the Series 385 channel balances.

Now, at this point, we can custom-make your balance to accommodate your stamp, but I think it would be best if we confirm that weight of your window sash before we take that step. Can you please tell me the weight of the sash? You can find this out by taking it out of the window and placing it on a scale. Let me know, and we can determine what best option to use from there.
Home Owner
OK, I weighed the sash and it is 9.3 pounds.

I'm also curious as to the meaning of the entire stamp on the channel balance. It is from a Milgard window and the full stamp is 14 5 CW CMC 9. Any idea on the meaning of the additional characters?

Tom from SWISCO
Thank you! In that case, I recommend that you go with the 1420 stamp option. This will carry a window sash weight of 6 through 10 pounds.

Please keep in mind that the weight range information is based on 2 balances per sash. Balances are designed assuming friction in the jamb weather-strip will carry a portion of the sash weight. Suggested sash weights are approximate.

As for the other stamp content, it's mostly just manufacturing information. However, I'd imagine that the 9 at the end denotes your sash weight.
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