certain teed window replacement part
Thanks for posting! Your CertainTeed coil balance shoe appears to be an older version of the 15-192 CertainTeed Pivot Shoe. This should work well as a suitable replacement but to confirm that this is the right fit, carefully review and compare the dimensions. You may need to shave the aligners on the shoe down to fit into the window channel but overall it should fit well in the window track.
This shoe is compatible with the Series 170 Coil Balance. To determine the correct spring for your assembly, you'll need to look for any stamps/marking on the metal coil. If there aren't any stamps/markings, you'll need to obtain the exact weight of the sash and divide that number but the total number of coils in the window.
This assembly is secured to the shoe using the 33-072 screw. You may also need the 15-156 CertainTeed Lance Spring Cover, Wide and the 15-157 CertainTeed Balance Drum.
In regard to the pivot bar at the bottom of the sash, marked with the 108-2, I'll need to see a photo of the entire pivot bar to identify the right replacement. Unfortunately, I was not able to narrow down the replacement based on that information.