Certanteed window

Quick Learner from rensselaerville
tab on each side of window
one tab broke off
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Hello and thank you for contacting us. Please send us some photos of the part you're looking for so we can better help you get what you need. Please include any measurements you can.
Quick Learner from Rensselaerville, New York
certanteed plastic white plastic approx length .25" - broken end are square horizontal each end is comes to a point the end tabs locks the middle part of window to lock it in place.
yesterday the end tab broke in trying to place it back with
full length 3" without pointed tab
height 3/4" certanteed is marked on the piece
I can take an image on my printer and mail to you if this is too confuisng

Casey from SWISCO
Take a look at the related items on the right side of the page. Does it look like any of these?
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