Can you help identify the channel balance replacement part?
The one I have is 26" long exluding the end pieces. Photos of the end pieces are included, along with a photo of the code printed on the channel.
Many thanks,
channel replacement assistance needed
Home Owner from Bend, Oregon
Sep 21, 2016 12:24 am
6 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Sep 23, 2016 11:25 am
Hello, Barbara. Based on your pictures, I recommend our S395-26 with a 2550 option. See what you think!
Home Owner from Bend, OR
Oct 3, 2016 8:12 pm
Thank you Paul. What is a 2550 option? I can't seem to find a photo of this.
Paul from SWISCO
Oct 5, 2016 10:38 am
The 2550 option is not a separate part, it's an aspect of the S395-26 channel balance. All channel balances have these stamp options which indicate the strength of the spring. When you're selecting the option for the S395-26, you're essentially telling us how you want the spring to be calibrated. Specifically, two balances with a 2550 option, working together, can carry a sash weight of 25 through 28 pounds. We have more information on the S395-26 store page, as well.
Home Owner from Bend, OR
Oct 19, 2016 9:47 pm
Hi Paul,
I'm following up on the additional photos I recently submitted (through this portal) of the channel balance and its foot (the original was of the broken channel balance, and the foot appeared to have some damaged), and my question as to whether this changed the channel balance that was initially recommended. I received an email from Tom (not through this portal), and I responded with another question, but have not heard back. Perhaps you can address my question. I am resubmitting the photos as well. The email chain is below.
Many thanks,
Barbara Simms
Barbara Simms
Oct 14 at 5:10 PM
Thank you Tom. The series 385 and 380 appear to be quite similar. From the pictures on Swisco's website, I thought my channel balance might be closer to series 380. What is the difference between shoe part number 15-005 and15-004?
Thanks again,
On Monday, October 10, 2016 7:56 AM, SWISCO. com wrote:
Thank you for the additional pictures. Based on what I see here, you could have our Series 385 channel balance instead of the Series 395.
Case #74806
Best Regards,
Tom M
SWISCO.com Support
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