Please assist in selecting a proper channel balance and sash guide top. Both shoe and the top of the channel balance do not appear winged.
The Sash guide top measured 1" across the flat top and 1" tall.
The Shoe and channel guide top measured about 3/4" tall. (i think)
The window was acting unusual. The balances and sash top are not broken but the sash was not moving smoothly along the channel and despite being reset and aligned a few times. The channel balance still gets past the sash top despite it being fully intact (though the sash top is bending and looks like its about to break). The bottom shoe was not remaining at the bottom of the sash and either the left or right side would slip and pop out the top of the sash top inside the channel and cause the window to get stuck while closing it. I'm hoping new balances and sash tops will solve this.
you can see 2320 stamped on the balance so that helps with the weight selection.
I've done channel balance replacements in the past, just need help picking them out.
help with channel balance and sash guide/top selection

Landlord from Maryland
Sep 2, 2021 9:50 am
4 user uploaded images
2 Replies

Emily from SWISCO
Sep 8, 2021 10:52 am

We'd be happy to help, but we'll need you to remove an undamaged balance with the end attachments intact to compare to our inventory. We'll also need to see your top sash guide removed from the window as well. Take a look at the video below, it'll go over exactly what we'll need to see.
Thank you!
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