how to work adjustment screws on kawneer door

Handy Person from Chicago
Feb 28, 2013 6:52 pm
I have a Kawneer door that on side is down. There are two adjustment screws, but they don't seem to do anything. How are they supposed to work?

6 Replies

Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Mar 4, 2013 10:33 am

It sounds like the roller may be broken. I could help you identify it, but I can't tell what you have. Can you remove the roller from the door and post a picture of it separately? That would help me find the appropriate replacement. Please also provide detailed dimensions of the roller.

Handy Person from Chicago
Mar 5, 2013 12:48 pm
Ok, the problem is solved.
What I did not understand is that out of the 3 holes (and screws) in the sides of the door (see earlier picture) only the CENTER HOLE was an adjustment. And that screw is at least 5 inches into the door frame. The top and bottom screw is to secure the frame together.
I removed the door, removed and cleaned both roller assemblies, cleaned the track, re-installed the door, and adjusted the rollers using the center screw so the wheels supported the door, and have about a 1/4" gap between the door and track.
I still have two questions..
1. What is the part number of this roller assy. in the picture so I can order it in the future?
2. I have another door (same type) that is missing the threshold (see picture). How can I order that.
Please include the cost of both items,
Thank you,
What I did not understand is that out of the 3 holes (and screws) in the sides of the door (see earlier picture) only the CENTER HOLE was an adjustment. And that screw is at least 5 inches into the door frame. The top and bottom screw is to secure the frame together.
I removed the door, removed and cleaned both roller assemblies, cleaned the track, re-installed the door, and adjusted the rollers using the center screw so the wheels supported the door, and have about a 1/4" gap between the door and track.
I still have two questions..
1. What is the part number of this roller assy. in the picture so I can order it in the future?
2. I have another door (same type) that is missing the threshold (see picture). How can I order that.
Please include the cost of both items,
Thank you,

Casey from SWISCO
Mar 6, 2013 8:33 am

Thanks for getting back to us! That picture is great, just what we needed to see.
Take a look at our 81-051 Arcadia Sliding Door Roller. I think this looks like a pretty good match, but you should compare its dimensions to your hardware just in case. Its pricing information can be found on its product page.
Unfortunately, we do not sell door thresholds. You should contact a local hardware store.
Take a look at our 81-051 Arcadia Sliding Door Roller. I think this looks like a pretty good match, but you should compare its dimensions to your hardware just in case. Its pricing information can be found on its product page.
Unfortunately, we do not sell door thresholds. You should contact a local hardware store.

Home Owner from Denver, CO
Jun 30, 2023 1:41 pm
I have a 20+y/o Kawneer 60'x80" sliding glass door which is in need of it's rollers replaced. The original rollers attached to the slider with two screws on a tab at the top of each roller. It seems that all of the suggested replacement rollers don not have this attaching tab. Any suggestions would be extremely helpful !!
1 user uploaded image

Tom from SWISCO
Jun 30, 2023 2:04 pm

Hello! This roller appears to be a match for our 81-183. However, you should review our dimensions just to be 100% sure. I will share them below for your convenience.

Dimensions for 81-183
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