identify correct Pella crank to purchase

Handy Person from Chapel Hill NC
Oct 20, 2012 12:39 pm
Lots of terminology floating around on the posts, so I want to ensure that I order the correct part. The interlock mechanism that attaches the crank arm to the gear broke, so I think that I only need a crank and not the crank plus the arm. Which part number is this? Can I buy just the correct crank?

4 Replies

Casey from SWISCO
Oct 25, 2012 1:25 pm

Handy Person from Chapel Hill
Aug 17, 2013 2:10 pm
Hi I got the correct crank, replaced it and it now actuates great. Next related question, if you don't mind. Full free motion on the window when open, but jams on the jamb right where closing. We can't get the window to "seat" and lock without having a 2nd person push from the outside. Seems there are plastic sliders that have degraded over time, allowing slop in the left/right position and the side opposite the crank jams against the jamb.

Tom from SWISCO
Aug 19, 2013 8:33 am

Hey, good to see you again. I'm happy to hear our operators worked for you!
Now, as for your windows not closing properly. Did you have this problem before you replaced the operators? Either way, I'd like you to try something before we recommend anything else. Disconnect the operators from the windows and try closing them manually. Let me know if they still bind or not.
Now, as for your windows not closing properly. Did you have this problem before you replaced the operators? Either way, I'd like you to try something before we recommend anything else. Disconnect the operators from the windows and try closing them manually. Let me know if they still bind or not.
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