identifying my pivot lock shoe

Home Owner from Washington DC
A pivot lock shoe on one of my Sears double hung windows broke. The broken part was thrown out, but attached are photos of it installed. I'm trying to replace it but don't know which one it is. The windows are Sears brand, installed around 2004. I have also attached a photo sowing the measured width of the channel it is installed in.
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7 Replies
Home Owner from Washington DC
I was able to retrieve a portion of the old broken shoe to take measurements. It appears to be 1.5 inches wide (width of the channel); 1.5 inches tall, and around 13/16 inches deep. I hope that helps.
Tom from SWISCO

Hello! Your shoe looks very much like our 15-192 Certainteed brand pivot shoe at first glance. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Home Owner from Washington DC
That may work. I will give it a try. I'm wondering how to insert the pivot shoe in light of the configuration of my specific jamb. There's a cutout in the center of the jamb (toward the top of the photo), but something is mounted there (not sure what it is called). Do I unscrew that and slide it up so I can insert the shoe?
1 user uploaded image
Tom from SWISCO

That cutout is definitely where you want to take the shoe out, yes. The part you see there is part of the coil balance assembly, for which the pivot shoe itself is only one of many components. You will need to take the whole assembly out of the window in order to replace the shoe.

I'll also share a few videos that you may find helpful. These explain to you what kind of balance system you have and how it all fits together, as well as how to remove a similarly-designed balance from the track.

Home Owner from Washington DC
Thanks, that's helpful. The odd thing is that it doesn't appear that the coil assembly is connected to the shoe or anything else in any way. All my windows are the same and none appear to be connected. I guess I may find out more when I unscrew it. Thanks again.
Tom from SWISCO

They definitely should be connected, otherwise your windows wouldn't stay up when you open them. If for whatever reason your springs are not connected to the shoes then something has gone very wrong. That is how they're meant to function.

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