nee to know size for Series 700 channel balance

Contractor from Columbus, Ohio
Feb 12, 2013 9:15 am
My windows use series 700 channel balance. i'm missing both channels for a 20" tall window. my 16" windows uses 15" and my 24" window uses 23" . will a 19" channel be the right size for the 20" window? also my old top and bottom shoe had a "tit" that snapped into hole my new 19-001 and 15-008 need a rivet, would 62-005 be the one to use
2 Replies

Paul from SWISCO
Feb 14, 2013 8:36 am

Thanks for posting! I'd be happy to tell you what balance size you need, but I'd first like you to confirm the height of the glass for that window sash. If you can, please also weigh the sash and give us that so that we can determine the appropriate option for you, as well.
As for the rivet, I agree that you should use the 62-005. That is the rivet we've determined works with those attachments.
As for the rivet, I agree that you should use the 62-005. That is the rivet we've determined works with those attachments.
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