need keyed lockset for patio slider

Home Owner from Los angeles
We want to install a keyed lock on our patio slider. It is a clamp style handle with 4 15/16 screws. What parts can we purchase to make this lock with a key?
User submitted photos of patio door handles.
4 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
I recommend our 82-306 outside key lock. Check it out and see if you can get this to work.
Quick Learner
Received part. Fits well. But just before we installed everything, the key got stuck in the barrel lock. Is there a trick to getting it out?
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
I would try to reinstall the key cylinder. You need to install the cylinder so that the key can turn to its starting, upright position. That's the only way the key can be removed.
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