need to replace lock and key for sash controls door

Tom from SWISCO

Hello! I think I may recognize this part, but I've never seen one of these Sash Controls handles with two thumb lever holes the way yours is. Was the thumb lever centered between the two screw-holes, or was it off-set to one side?

5 Replies
Quick Learner from chantilly,va
Original key can't be found. This is made by Sash Controls, partnumber 22650.
1 user uploaded image
Quick Learner from chantilly,va
it is centered like the photo showed. All I need is to buy the lock and key replacement if available. Else, I can buy the identical whole set. The part number is 22650. Thanks for all the help.
1 user uploaded image
Professional from CA
If your handle isn't broken, the inside handle configuration shouldn't matter.
The two holes are there so that either inside handle will work.
82-310 should be what you need.
Tom from SWISCO

I agree with our friend from California; if the lock is the only thing broken, our 82-310 should work well.

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