peachtree sliding screen door bottom roller

Home Owner from Nunda, NY
Aug 29, 2014 8:41 am
We have a peachtree french door with sliding screen door. The rollers on the bottom of the screen door need replacing. It looks like there is rivot that holds the spring in place and adjustment screw on side the of the door, (aluminum) I am not sure which items to order. Can I get some assistance please?
2 Replies

Paul from SWISCO
Aug 29, 2014 10:47 am

I'm not sure what you have, but I think you may want to consider our 84-018 screen door roller.
I know they rivet the spring to the door. Why they do that, I don't know. They used to sell just the wheel and axle for replacement, but that was discontinued. If your spring is still good and you don't want to re-rivet the new one on, you can just take the new wheel and axle out of the housing and replace it in the old housing.
I know they rivet the spring to the door. Why they do that, I don't know. They used to sell just the wheel and axle for replacement, but that was discontinued. If your spring is still good and you don't want to re-rivet the new one on, you can just take the new wheel and axle out of the housing and replace it in the old housing.
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