pile weatherstrip replacement

Contractor from IL
Nov 8, 2011 11:28 pm
i have ~10year old vinyl replacement windows. the white pile is loosing seal on some windows and id like to find a replacement. the old pile measures ~.240 width and ~.300 height. it has a fin seal. it was extremely difficult to remove, it was not glued in. it is also the original seal, as all seals on the rest of the house are the same

the opening of the slot width measures .150, i cannot measure the inside of the slot dimension. all measurements where taken with digital calipers.

i found one replacement locally that measures .266 in width and it is impossible to fit in. i trimmed the width down to 3/16 just to see and it seems to snap in and hold, even though i was under the assumption the standard opening width should be .125 and not .150 like my windows. do you think the 3/16x1/4 (58-127) would be a close match and would it work?
A customer submitted photo of wool pile.
1 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Nov 10, 2011 1:27 pm
If wool pile with a 3/16 base fits in your window, then I think the 58-127 White Wool Pile should work for you.
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