pivot lock shoe binding, need help

Quick Learner from Alabama
I have a pivot lock shoe that is binding enough to break off my metal pivot. I have sprayed teflon spray in an attempt to get it move more freely with minimal success. Is there a better way to free up shoe where it will operate properly again? The channel balance seems to be working fine on its on.

3 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Good morning, Jon.

It sounds like your pivot shoe is in the locked position. It's possible the break shoe is broken, preventing it from disengaging. Check to see if your pivot bar is too long; that may be adding extra pressure on the shoe. You may want to try filing down the shoe.
Quick Learner

I broke off the pivot bar, so I think I misdiagnosed the problem. Put on a new pivot bar and it seems to be working fine.

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