problem installing snap in replacement

Quick Learner from Charleston, SC
Jul 30, 2013 11:04 am
I recently ordered & received replacement snap-in glazing for my 20 year old Rollyson windows. The new snap-in glazing (55-158-6)matches the old glazing but I'm having trouble installing. I watched the video and tried all different ways to install but having no luck. Any advice or suggestions welcome.
3 Replies

Paul from SWISCO
Aug 1, 2013 12:53 pm

There are a couple things that could have been the problem. I think it's possible that the glass could be too big. Alternatively, the glass could have dropped down into the gap in the frame, not allowing any room for the snap in. I recommend going to a local glass shop, they may be able to assist you.

Quick Learner from Frederick, MD
Jun 26, 2014 4:46 pm
The glass is too big for the replacement glazing bead. The original Rollyson 2500 Series glass is 3/4". The replacement glass, however; must be 11/16" in order for the replacement glazing bead to fit. You can't simply replace the glazing bead using the original glass.
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