We have Patriot tilt windows. top window stationary. They are about 18 years old. We live in an adult community in Lakewood, N.J. and we all have the same windows.I have successfully replaced several pivot shoes but I find it very difficult to attach the metal twisted rod to the shoe with pliers. I was told there is a tool that will enable me to do the job easier.Do you have such a tool and what is the name of the tool. I also need about 30 plastic clips that hold the screens in place, as they are old and have become very brittle. I was told the clips are #P/N 70-123.
Thanks, Bill
reattaching the spiral metal rod that enables the window to stay up or close.
Handy Person from Lakewood, N.J.
Jul 16, 2014 2:38 pm
2 Replies
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