removing pella screen door latch

Quick Learner from Florida
re pella screen door latch assembly
took off the pella logo and removed screw
there is not another method or entry way to remove the piece holding the other logos to pry and if i try to take off the wood paper cover on the latch holder it will ruin the do i get the cover off?
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
The latch is only held on by that one screw. Once it's removed, you should be able to remove the cover. If it's stuck, use a flat putty knife to gently pop it out.
Quick Learner from Ohio
Where is screw that needs to be removed to replace sliding screen door latch on Pella sliding screen door. Wooden insert with round Pella insignia located in handle covers screws providing access to latch mechanism. How do I get that panel off to take latch assembly apart?
Tom from SWISCO

The screw is located under the round Pella logo. I usually pop it off with a slotted screwdriver, or anything flat and stiff I happen to have on hand, such as the corner of a putty knife.

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