
Home Owner from Colorado
Hello, I would like to replace a BSI balance stamped 26 4 O (or 0) L. What do you recommend? Thanks.
10 Replies
Bob from SWISCO

Hello there. We likely can help, but that stamp is not an identifier. It just tells us the balance's strength. To know its identity, we will need to see the nylon fittings or attachments on either end of the metal channel. The combination of fittings will determine the kind of channel balance you have. We'll do our best to assist to help you from there. 

Home Owner from Colorado
I've matched my balance to your 385 series channel balance, part #S385-26. Can you determine what strength (sash weight) is required from the number I provided?
Bob from SWISCO

Please confirm the metal channel length, do not include the nylon fittings in this measurement. An old balance stamped 26-4 would normally be 27" in length. Therefore, assuming you do have a Series 385, this would be an S385-27. Choose a stamp option of 2640, which accords with your old balance's stamp of 26-4.

Home Owner from Colorado
The metal channel actually measures 26 5/8 inches so I assume that rounds to 27. I thought "BIS" printed vertically between 26-4 and OL was the brand name. No matter, it compares favorably to the pictures and measurements of the 385 series. Thanks for suggesting the stamp option 2640. That was the information I was seeking
Tom from SWISCO

You do not want to ever round up on size when it comes to channel balances. Before you place an order, I think it might be best if you were to show us a photo of the balance in question. If the metal channel measures with a 5/8" increment, then there are high odds that the Series 385 won't work. Instead, you may have a special extended-travel channel balance, which traditionally measure with that exact increment.

Seeing photos of the top and bottom fittings of your balance would allow me to verify this. Even if it's not the extended-travel balance I have in mind, a 27" long balance will not replace a balance that measures 26-5/8". These are very precisely measured and you cannot round up or down to the nearest inch; even a difference as small as 1/4" can be a dealbreaker. It just won't work.

Home Owner from Colorado
OK, I'll prepare some pics.
Tom from SWISCO

Sounds good! We'll be here to review whenever you get them.

Home Owner from Colorado
5 user uploaded images
Tom from SWISCO

Thanks! This is exactly what I thought it might be. You have a special extended travel channel balance, meaning we can only supply this as a custom order.

The reason our Series 385 won't work is because its cord won't be long enough to close your window. The window may close for the first few times, but eventually the excess strain on the pulley will cause it to snap. This usually happens in the first month after installation, if not the first day.

Thankfully your photos here tell me everything I need to know to get the ball rolling on a custom order. What I can do is email you a purchase link and price quote that you can use to add the balances in question to your cart. You can then checkout as normal, as if it were any other product.

The only thing I need to know before we begin is quantity. I have to preset the quantity for you ahead of time so once you give me a count, I can email you that link. Please also note that the minimum purchase quantity is 2.

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