replacement operator
Photo shows the operator with the cover along side. The retainer for the gear that operates the window pops out when closing the window (clockwise rotation). Windows open fine when opening. Red Loctite is not strong enough to retail the splined bushing. I'm guessing that I need a replacement operator. Window is hinged on right side. Operation gear and retainer pops out when open crank is rotated.
Thanks for posting. You are unfortunately correct: once that gear pops up, it's a true a sign as any that the operator has worn down and must be replaced. We can help, but I'd like a clearer picture of the link arm(s) that jut out the back of the operator and push and pull the window open and closed. If you can show us a picture of those link arm(s), we should be able to narrow this down for you.
It's difficult to tell what your operator is while it's still installed, but a good place to start might be our 39-031. I recommend that you carefully review its design and size, indicated in the diagram below, to verify whether it's a match. If it differs in any way, let me know how and we can find something better for you.
I removed the wooden cover over the operator and is looks just like your photo except for a circular gear cover (strap) from the left to right of the helical gear. With the wood trim cover removed I can readily remove and replace the operator so I will order one.
Thankks for the support.
I do have pictures if you'd like them for your collection:)
Awesome, thank you for the order, Craig! We appreciate it.
I don't think the gear design you described will be a dealbreaker, but I'd be happy to look over any other photos you may have, even if just to keep them for posterity. We always appreciate having references for future cases!