replacement photos

Contractor from Pompton Lakes N.J.
There is a photo of a patio glass door top view . Stabilizer type missing . Also there is photo of three other replacement parts needed.

User submitted photo of patio glass door top view, window operator, latch and roller.
4 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Good morning, Anthony. Thank you for posting and submitting your photos to the discussion board.

As for the three parts below, take a look at the Swisco 39-147 Andersen Window Crank, the 84-070 Andersen Patio Roller, and the query results for "turning lever."

The top image is a bit confusing to me. I am not sure what you mean by "stabilizer."
Contractor from Pompton Lakes N.J.
Hi Dave the sliding glass door moves forward and backward at the top . Should'nt there be a part of some kind to keep it steady or fixed when opening and closing.
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Anthony, I've spoken to an Andersen repair man about this issue; he said there is no guide that goes in the top of the patio glass door.
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