Operator connected to a long crossbar, like a "T"

The first picture shows the crank mechanism and the second shows the connection between the crank arm and the track.
Thanks for any help!

I've been looking to replace my awning window operators, they're original hardware from when the house was built in 1955. I have not been able to identify anything close to them until I came across this thread. I think I have the exact same style operator (see attached pictures).
Any idea what I could replace these with? thank you so much in advance!
- Maria

I'm sorry to say that there are no confirmed replacements for your original operator style. These are just too old, and the modern design convention for this kind of window has moved very far away from how your window is intended to function. Because of that, there aren't really many modern replacements that function similarly.
My colleague Dave suggested a possible alternative in his response above, back in 2012, but using these kind of parts on your window is no small task. It will require a lot of retrofitting to get your window working again with these components. You should strongly considering having a professional do the installation for you.