replacing a screen on a storm window

Home Owner from near the Jersey Shore
Hi I have older storm windows that tilt out to clean. I removed the screen because it was literally coming apart. I live near the ocean and all of the windows are difficult to open and close because of the salt. I removed the screen and had it repaired. now I am trying to install it and I am having a hard time. It seem like it is just to wide. One side has clips that have a spring, one on top and one near the bottom to keep in place but I still am having a hard time getting it back in place. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
2 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Sounds like you have a side loaded window screen. First, do you remember what side the springs where on when you removed the screen? If not, look at the side channels the screen goes in. The deeper channel will receive the springs.

Next, is the window on the first floor or upper floor? It is easier to install from the outside, but if you can't, remove both sashes to make it easier to install the screen.

To install the screen, grip the top and bottom screen rail place the spring side in the deep channel, swing the screen in and snap it in the opposite channel. Now lower the screen to the sill and reinstall your sashes.
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