Replacing channel balance 29 3 CO Caldwell

Handy Person from fort myers florida
May 16, 2012 1:15 pm
I can't find this exact one on your website can you help me find it or find one that will work with my windows. it is 1/2 inch by 30 in length. the only writing on it is 29 3 CO Caldwell.

2 Replies

Paul from SWISCO
May 17, 2012 3:05 pm

Thank you for posting on our discussion board. Before I can offer an applicable replacement for your balance, I just need to know a bit more information. First, could you please tell me what the length of your metal channel is? Please do not include the plastic attachments in your measurements. Judging by your stamp, it should be 30", but I would like you to confirm.
Next, please look at our 15-001 and 15-002 channel balance shoes and compare their dimensions to your own shoe. Which one matches your own more closely? Does yours have a depth of 1-1/8", or 1"? Once I have this information, we can identify your balance Series.
Next, please look at our 15-001 and 15-002 channel balance shoes and compare their dimensions to your own shoe. Which one matches your own more closely? Does yours have a depth of 1-1/8", or 1"? Once I have this information, we can identify your balance Series.
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