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roto operator 1880270

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Andersen roof roto operator
3 Replies
Emily from SWISCO


According to our records, this operator is no longer being made. However, we do sell the 39-390 which past customers said have worked. In each case, we've been told that it takes a certain amount of handiwork to install, due to the differences between the old and new operators. If you are not handy yourself then I would recommend having a local professional do the job for you, as it takes altering the shape of the sill. Take a look and see what you think. 

Home Owner from Michigan
I had the Anderson roto operator 1880270 that cannot be found. I bought the 39-390 and had a welder cut and shorten the arms to match the Anderson operator's length; additionally, I shortened the bar to match the width of the glass-pac myself with a hacksaw.

I installed the modified 39-390 and had success. However, its important that you mount the bar with the "keepers" faced down so the pressure from the cranking does not burst through the "keeper" and brake the glass-pap in the skylight.

You will not be able to open the window much more than 3" or so since the weight of the window is heavy for this new operator. But, its now ventilating!
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