sash balancer replacement for Narrowline 3456C

Quick Learner from New Jersey
Oct 13, 2018 12:39 pm
I recently purchased 2 sash balancers from you for an Andersen Narrowline 3456C and have received them.

I reviewed your video on the installation process and when I tried following it I encountered difficulty.

I removed the screws from the jamb liner as instructed, but am unable to free the jamb liner for removal. Being the 3456 model, with the bottom sash fully raised there is still 15" of the liner that is still covered by that bottom sash, and it won't budge. I can free the liner up to the bottom of the raised sash but can't dislodge the part that is still covered by the sash.

I'm hoping you can give me some tips and/or advice as to what I can do to get that jamb liner out so I can install the balancers.
1 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Oct 26, 2018 1:04 pm

I recommend spraying some silicone on the track above the sash and see if that will allow it to go up further so you can slide the vinyl track from behind it. The vinyl tracks are sometimes difficult to remove and can become brittle from age, so be careful.

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