sash guide
Thanks for posting. Yes, it does sound like you need new Top Sash Guides. The videos below cover what to do when the channel balances shoot past the top of the sash. To replace the broken sash guides, we'll need you to remove an undamaged one and show us pictures of it from the front and side. In the time being you can view our selection of Top Sash Guides here.
Well, that's precisely the issue--because the Top Sash Guides are damaged, the balances can shoot past the sash, which prevents you from getting it out. Use a flathead screwdriver, then press the top of the balance downward and under the takeout clip in the jamb track, which will hold the balance in place. Both videos I posted show this process. Let me know if there's any specific step you are having trouble with.
You then should be able to remove the sash and replace the Top Sash Guides as necessary. I highly advise wearing safety goggles while doing this, just in case--balances carry a lot of tension. Both videos above show this process.