sash lock with taller height
Quick Learner
May 19, 2015 3:57 pm
A customer of mine is looking to replace all the window locks in his house (there are 19 of them). However, you'll notice the tiny shim-like piece he has between the cam lock and the hook. Most of the windows are like this. Any of the locks at home depot do the same thing. Is there some sort of "tall" cam lock that can close this gap, such that when he locks the windows the lock is actively lifting the upper sash into place?
2 Replies
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
May 20, 2015 2:59 pm
I would suggest installing some washers along with longer screws under the "sweep" part of the lock. You could also install a piece of wood, maybe like a painter's stick that you get when you purchase a gallon of paint. That should raise the active part of the lock, making the window a tighter fit when sash is closed and locked. We also carry a lock similar to yours, our 90-027. That may be worth considering.
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