screen corner (front and back image sent)

Distributor from St Johnsbury

Hi there, Can you identify this screen corner. We have attached a front and back image.

Thank you,

2 user uploaded images
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Hey, Billie. We may be able to replace this corner, but it would depend on your measurements. Can you tell me the size of your part? We need the width and depth of the leg, as well as the depth of the corner base. In the meantime, you can see our entire selection here.

Distributor from St Johnsbury
Hi Tom,

The size we have is
width of the leg is 7/16 depth is 11/16 corner base 11/16x11/16 x 7/16 thick

Hope this helps

Let me know if you need more info.

Billie Jo
Tom from SWISCO

Take a look at the 95-052 corner and see if it matches up to your corner and screen frame dimensions. Let me know if you have any more questions. Thank you!

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