my roller has a stamped # of B221SSP and the 1" nylon roller has like steel washers on each side smaller then the nylon roller, so looking at your web site the one compareable to mine dosen't, also the picture i'm sending is broken and missing the steel washers that i'm asking about your thought
4 Replies
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Mar 8, 2012 10:49 am
Thanks for posting! Have you seen our 84-137 corner roller assembly? Please match its dimensions with your hardware. Do you think this might work for you?
Home Owner from Anchorage, Ak
Jun 15, 2012 4:00 pm
need re-placement part number on part B221SSP
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Jun 18, 2012 9:07 am
Thanks for posting! I have placed you in an existing thread concerning the B221SSP roller. As you can see above, I have recommended the 84-137 Corner Roller Assembly. Please compare it to your own hardware and let me know if you think it will work!
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