screen door track questions

Quick Learner from Los Angeles
Had a new top layer put on the deck and they covered part of the track (up to the rail that the wheel is placed on).

The questions:
1. Is there a top / upper track that will keep the screen door alined while it's being opened?
2. Is there a modified bottom track that can be adhered to what is left from the original track?
3. Open to your suggestions

A. There is not enough room to have the screen door swing open
B. The screen size is at least 6ft in length.

Look forward to your response.

4 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Thanks for posting, Lisa. It sounds like you should cut the deck back to allow room for the sliding door to be reinstalled. If you can't, you could possibly try to install the 80-111, track, above the deck and have the door cut down to fit new height.
Quick Learner from Los Angeles
Hi Dave,

Thank you so much for the reply to my question #13063.

1. How would I mount the new track?
2. Do I need to cut down the high spots on the originial track?
Cutting into the deck surface is not an option due to major water problems that were corrected.

I guess we solve one problem and get another in its place. But this situation is a hiccup compared to the one just remedied.

Once again look forward to your insight.

Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
You would most likely need the help of a repair man familiar with patio doors. If you were to cut down the patio screen door that you have now, could it be placed back on the original track?

You could also try to adjust the rollers so that the door can clear the deck Then after door is installed readjust the rollers so the door can slide properly.
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